Six on Saturday 08/02/20

It’s been a week of frosty nights with quite a few sunny days. Work just gets in the way sometimes and I haven’t managed to be here to take photos in the daylight. With a day of good weather today and an awful sounding storm due tomorrow I went straight out in to the garden this morning and, other than a quick tea break or two, have spent the day cutting down most of last years herbaceous plants and pruning my climbing roses. Bliss! How to compost it all is a bit of a headache at the moment but I’ll think about that another day. For now it’s all chopped or shredded into garden waste bags. The pictures below were taken in the sun this morning.

1. Although in very gritty compost and top dressed with gravel some of my pots of succulents are showing signs of rot. Most have spent the winter in the glasshouse after getting so wet in the incessant rain last autumn but a few have just recently showed signs of rotting. One Echeveria literally fell apart a couple of weeks ago. I’ve potted up some individual leaves and crossed my fingers. The top fell out of this one this morning. I have a couple of small plants from last years cuttings but will this plant survive?


2. Not a lot grows in this little bed in the summer due to the Viburnum, Japanese Anemone, a Clematis and a Honeysuckle. It’s taken years for the Snowdrops to clump and spread but it’s been worth the wait.


3. A few clumps of Narcissi have opened this week. These are on the back of the garage, facing south. ‘February Gold’, I think.


4. I was working in my main border today and this bee was having a wonderful time in the Crocuses and Hellebores.

5. A wider view of part of the border. I planted C. tommasinianus many years ago and they have slowly been spreading through the sunnier part of the border. I thought I’d better show them today as they will, no doubt, get flattened by the high wind due tomorrow.


6. Every autumn I plant different Crocus in terracotta pans then plant them in the ground after flowering. For the number that I’ve planted over the years I don’t see that many of them reappearing. However, these have come back for a few years now.


I hope those of you in the UK won’t be too badly affected by the storm tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it’s not as bad as the weather people are predicting. At least we’ll be able to sit indoors looking at the other gardens courtesy of our host at


6 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 08/02/20”

  1. I did my usual task of taking photos on Friday so they are quite dull…..I should have waited for the sunshine today. Your garden looks lovely and colourful. The snowdrops look good together like that. I have dotted mine around the garden which means every so often I come across a small group of them. They should spread out gradually.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m afraid for you that it may be ruined for your echeveria …. Possibly try to sprinkle cinnamon which is healing and disinfectant on the cut area, let it well dry and we will have to see what it looks like in a while.
    Otherwise I have the same crocuses as you in the garden : with a ray of sunshine it’s gorgeous !


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