Six on Saturday 14/12/19

A very mixed week again – a bit of frost, a bit of sunshine on Monday, rain, gusty wind, more rain, very gusty wind and pouring rain. With my heavy clay soil some of the borders are all but under water. The forecast is for a lot of rain again today and it’s blowing a gale but tomorrow looks a little better so I might get out to finally plant the last of the tulips. Being so windy it was tricky taking photos so they are a bit blurry. I nearly had to resort to house plants this week!
1. The Japanese Anemone seed heads normally stand up well to the weather and add interest for the winter months. The taller ones are looking a little the worse for wear but this shorter variety isn’t  too bad.
396C8B78-9A70-48AC-A01D-6597E3BB2A972. A solitary Hesperantha is adding a touch of colour.

BCAF5BAE-F7DE-4F89-8E8F-05DF260BDAE03. Last week Jim included a Teasel seed head with the seeds germinating in-situ. I had the same with an Echinacea seed head (SonS 18/10)


I detached a few seedlings and potted them up in the glasshouse. Some have died but the survivors look promising. I left another pot outside but they have drowned.

4. The leaves of Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ add a touch of silver at this time of year. Shame about the holes.


5. Erysimum ‘Bowles’ Mauve (I’ve also seen it called Bowles’s Mauve) flowers for about 364 days of the year. This was a cutting from last year. It could do with a tidy up.


6. I’ve moved most of the succulents into the glasshouse to get them out of the wet. This is a cutting from an unknown variety of Echiveria. The flower has looked like this for a week or so. I was hoping it might open a little more.


We have to look a little harder to see the beauty at this time of year and taking part in SonS keeps me looking. Have a great weekend. Catch up with the other Sixers at

13 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 14/12/19”

  1. I have managed so far to resist potting up any of the teasel seedlings, I doubt I will be spared it moving into the garden though. Interesting looking Echeveria, don’t think it’s one we have, I like the markings on its leaves.

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    1. It was the striped leaves that attracted me. It was one of those tot plants in a tiny pot when I bought it last year. The original plant now has corky growths on the stem.
      At least teasel seedlings are easily recognisable!


  2. Your description of this weeks weather made me smile – we’ve had the same where we are. I also had the windy photo problem. There were a couple of plants with coloured stems that I really wanted to include but I couldn’t get a non blurry picture. I like your six plants that did manage to stay still.

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  3. I have heavy clay soil too, and am now in danger of overwatering plants which seems odd since we’re in the middle of a drought. Do you lose plants if you have too much rain?
    The echinacea seeds germinating is a strange thing to see. I can’t get echinacea to grow at all!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I ran outside to see if my echinacea seeds were germinating in situ, but no joy. However, they are still trying to bloom. Love that echiveria, a lot. Hopefully we’ll see a photo of the flower when it opens. Looks very promising. My anemone seed heads don’t open until spring, so don’t know if they’re a different type than yours or we have different conditions. They’re so beautiful when they open, but they spread like gossip here, so I never let them get away w/themselves. That erysimum is impressive! You’re still finding lots in your garden, despite the foul weather.

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